Revive Marketing Services

influencer marketing

cosmetic healthcare, digital marketing, influencer marketing, marketing and SEO

Why Your Next Marketing Tactic May Be Nano Influencers

Nano influencers are the new wave of effective influencer marketing. Are nano influencers right for your cosmetic healthcare firm? Look around any industry, and you’ll likely start to see a new star is rising: the nano influencer. These small-yet-mighty social media figures are gaining traction with businesses who want to reach a targeted audience in […]

cosmetic healthcare, digital marketing, influencer marketing, marketing and SEO

Getting Started With Influencer Marketing for Cosmetic Practices

Learn why more and more cosmetic healthcare practices are turning to influencer marketing – and how you can, too! You may have noticed that word-of-mouth recommendations have gone digital. What used to be a friend telling another about their favorite cosmetic practice is now an influencer posting about their latest treatment on Instagram.  For cosmetic

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